Picture a wave. In the ocean
You can see it, hight,
reflections of sunlight
瞬きの間 たゆまず弾け 飲み込む
Picture a wave. In the ocean
You can listen to it, splash,
the ceaseless thunder
虹色の輪郭もち 溶けてく
Uh-, going to back into water
さびしさも 透明に
器満たして 溢れる
波音が 羅針盤よ さよなら
How far, between us?
How long has there been?
(代わる代わるに 白兎たち)
Uh-, going to back into water
悲しみも 透明に
Uh-, going to back into water
あぶくに伝言 託して
“Mother Sea.”
I wonder when it started being called that.
It’s a place where one is born, nurtured, and returns to a vague image. Perhaps it’s something one understands intuitively, but what about those who have never seen the sea? It’s a reachable universe and a black hole swallowing dimensions.